Content Strategy for Founders and Personal Brands

Feeling Like Your Audience
Is Ignoring You?

I know how frustrating it is when your hard work goes 

unnoticed. But we can turn this around, together!


Their Satisfaction is My Success

My Process

Here's How I Can Help You

Market Research

Social Media Content

Email Marketing

About Me

Hey! It's Nice to Meet You!

I am the Founder of Ringgold Digital, a Digital Marketing Service Company based in Northern California. With over 6 years of hands-on experience, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges brands face in converting content into valuable leads.

But I don’t just see problems—I bring solutions to the table. I want to help you strategize, analyze, and optimize your brand’s content into a lead-generating powerhouse.

PS. The picture is me after a good yoga session.

Marcus Ringgold

I Help Make Your Content Just Good Enough
To Reach Your Business Goals This Quarter

Who is this for?

Founders, CEOs, Entrepreneurs, & Personal Brands Who:

Work With Me

Take The First Step, Today!

Want To Talk?

In 30-minutes, I’ll help you take the first step towards growth.

Curious To See Results?

You can view my portfolio and case studies here.

Become A Content VIP!

For $0, you can access classified Content Strategies before they turn mainstream.


You Got Questions? I Got Answers!

A discovery call will be required to assess the scope of your project. I’ll create a proposal based on your unique goals and requirements. My fees typically start at $2000 – $4000 p/month but can be more depending on your needs. You’ll be invoiced on a monthly retainer.

It’s hard to know before knowing your goals, but it typically takes time to see real results. On average, about 3-6 months. We work until your goals are met or after the final invoice is paid.

After you complete the form, we’ll show up on the call and discuss your goals. I’ll be asking questions tailored to get the most clarity and design the appropriate strategy, which will be presented to you in a proposal after the call. After you choose what option works best for you, we’ll star the onboarding process. (contract, invoice, kickoff)

Founders, Co-Founders, CEOs, and Personal Brands who are looking to get predictable sales or lead flow through content strategy. They have existing content that hasn’t been getting the reach, engagement, and conversions needed to meet revenue or lead goals.

As a Content Marketing strategist, I can help you with Email Marketing, Content Consulting, Social Media Profile Optimization, Social Media Content Strategy, Short-Form Video Scriptwriting. If you want to post content, I can help you do that! Check out my portfolio for specifics.

It’s up to you. After you accept an offer from my proposal, we can agree to kick off within the week or whatever date works best for the both of us. I want to work around your timeline, so the sooner you reach out the better.

Not at all. Some of my best work was done working one-on-one. But I welcome solopreneurs, small teams, and large teams. I don’t do any filming, editing, or designing so you’ll need to have someone on your team, or a freelancer, to help you with that.

Ready to Unlock Your
Brand's Full Potential?

Book a Free 1:1 Discovery Call


Sacramento, CA

Where to Follow Me
